Prayer For House Blessing, Cleaning, Cleansing - Your Home Is Blessed

"Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed." - Psalm 112:2
Welcome To The Prayer For House Cleansing, Cleaning and Blessing!

This is simply a video I’ve put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. 

All I ask you to do is to agree with me as we seek our Heavenly Father.

Please continue to meditate on this prayer for yourself. 

Speak it daily or listen to this video over and over again and allow the Word of God concerning house cleansing, cleaning and blessing to reach deep into your spirit.

Let us pray...

Heavenly Father, we gather together here online and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful name of Jesus. 

Where two or more are gathered there You shall surely be and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.

The Bible says that if there is any unforgiveness that it should be dealt with before praying.

Therefore we release any anger, bad feelings, resentment or any other wrong attitude before You now. 

We lay it at your feet and we release and forgive those who have wronged us.

I lift up those watching this video and we come into agreement and lift up a house cleansing and blessing for them.

Lord, we declare that the home of the listener belongs to You.

Therefore we declare that the listener and their household serve the Lord!

We bind any demonic forces or anything that should not be in the home and command it to go now in Jesus Name.

We bind Your peace around the home and the listener’s family.

Praise You Father!

You are awesome!

You are the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Lord, You have blessed the listener with everything that they need.

They reverence You and worship You!

Father, the listener welcomes Your Spirit into their home.

We thank You, Father, that Your Son, Jesus, is in here right now with us because we are gathered together in His name online.

However, we also thank You Father that Jesus is also in the listener’s home and there is no room for any evil.

We declare prosperity and wholeness for the listener and their family.

We declare that wealth and riches are in their house.

We declare that their righteousness endures forever.

We declare that they always triumph in Christ!

In the name of Jesus we pray.



Prov 23:3-4
Rev 1:6
2 Pet 1:3
Num 6:24-26
Josh 24:15
Psalm 112:2
Eph 1:3
Psalm 35:27
2 Chron 7:15-16
John 4:23
Psalm 112:3
Mat 18:20
Prov 24:27


  1. Amen!! Geez, I hope I get that job. I need it more than ever!!


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