

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord - Psalm 128

Cast it all to Jesus~

When Jesus called John and James, what were they doing? - BIBLE QUIZ

In Old Testament, which King invaded Jerusalem and tore down its walls? - BIBLE QUIZ

What had poisoned the stew that Elisha had purified? - BIBLE QUIZ

How many days Jesus being tempted by satan in the wilderness? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who was not opposed to the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who succeeded Moses as leader of Israel in the wilderness? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who wrote the largest part of the New Testament? - BIBLE QUIZ

Which place was ruled by Chedorlaomer👑?

Where was the first place Almighty God appeared to Abraham?

What did Noah become after the flood? - BIBLE QUIZ

In Genesis, which river was called the "Great River"? - BIBLE QUIZ

How old was Abram when his name changed to "Abraham"? - BIBLE QUIZ

When Jacob dreamed of angels ascending a ladder, what did he call the place?

In the tabernacle, what material was used to make the lampstand? - BIBLE QUIZ

After Abraham and Lot separated, where did Lot live?

Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. How old was Abraham, when Ishmael was born?

What Does Jesus Mean by ‘I Never Knew You’ - Matthew 7:23 ?

What does it mean that “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me” in Psalm 42:7?

What did Jesus mean when He said, “Take up your cross and follow Me”?

What is the Great Commission?

What is the true meaning of LOVE according to the Bible?

How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Mercy, pity, and compassion are roughly synonymous, but how does the Bible use and define mercy?

Why is faith without works dead?

What are some of the different terms the Bible uses to describe sin? Personal sin? Inherited sin?

Do pets go to Heaven?

Why does God allow sickness?

😇 Can those in heaven look down and see us on earth? 😇

THE HAND - A Must Read Story

What happens to babies when they die?

The day I dated the most Precious Woman of all time! - Author Unknown

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