
Acts of kindness -- Author Unknown

Chain of Love - Author Unknown


I wish I had held my Bible as dearly as my phone! - Author Unknown

What will happen when women die? - A short funny story

Jesus is The Never Ending Story -- Author Unknown

Look under my bed - A funny Story

Saint of Auschwitz

Honey, make some coffee? - A short funny story😂

Something Funny😂: How many people can you fit in one Honda?

Pregnant Woman🤰🏻, Bird🐦 and the Snake🐍 - A Must Read!

Only when I'm alone - A must read story

Which of these women from the Bible is not included in either of Jesus genealogies? - BIBLE QUIZ

What is another name for Nathaniel mentioned in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

Something Funny😂: Why was Titus scared of Philemon?

In 1 Corinthians 13, which of these virtues does the Apostle Paul, say is the greatest? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who cursed King David and threw stones at him? - BIBLE QUIZ

I was a woman who was busy, always working, but I learned an important lesson when Jesus came to my home. Who Am I - BIBLE QUIZ

How many languages was the Bible originally written in? - BIBLE QUIZ

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