I wish I had held my Bible as dearly as my phone! - Author Unknown

Yes it is True ! I wish I had held my Bible as dearly as my phone,
The poor li'll thing doesn't even have a ring tone!
It lies there waiting for me glance it's way,
And never runs out of battery even at end of day.

It offers me wisdom even without an app,
Serves beautiful content, not the forwarded crap!
Its settings are easy and simple to read,
It's Good News, unlike the world's news feed.

It offers the best selfie you can ever take,
A reflection of your soul, you really can't fake.
It helps me connect with the most important One,
Not one of my calls are dropped, never, none!

So dear friends, please pick it up and see,
Countless missed calls from the One who died on the tree.
You'll soon realise it is better than your phone,
It rings, it sings and delivers a message right to your bone! 😊


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