
Daily Verse Calendar - NOVEMBER 2021 - Printable Version

What was the question that Jesus answered in the story of the Good Samaritan? - BIBLE QUIZ

When the rich young man ask Jesus what to do inherit eternal life, what did Jesus tell him to do? - BIBLE QUIZ

I climbed the sycamore tree to see Jesus Christ better. Who am I? - BIBLE QUIZ

Something Funny😂: What was the world’s first palindrome?

God Upholds Me

Stand Firm!

Bible Trivia Challenge: KING DAVID

Bible Characters Quiz - KING DAVID


Who was the king cast Daniel into the lion's den? - BIBLE QUIZ

Something Funny😂: Why did Noah have to punish and discipline the chickens on the Ark?

God is My enough! He is Your enough! He is Our enough!

Who went for 40 days and 40 nights in the strength of that food? - BIBLE QUIZ

What all nations are fond of raisin cakes in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

For a pair of shoes they sold the poor. Who sold? - BIBLE QUIZ

In the scripture, where is coral mentioned? - BIBLE QUIZ

What king became a Herbivore? - BIBLE QUIZ

He took of his shoes to sign a contract! Who was he? - BIBLE QUIZ

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