
Daily Verse Calendar - OCTOBER 2021 - Printable Version

Who had a seamless coatπŸ§₯? - BIBLE QUIZ

Is there any taste in the white of the egg? In the scripture Who asked this question? - BIBLE QUIZ

This King in the Bible was put on a diet for life. Which king? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who fed bread🍞 and waterπŸ’¦πŸ₯€ for 100 prophets hiding in a cave? - BIBLE QUIZ

It was her last meal preparation when this preacher came and asked to dine with her. Who is this lady? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who cooked and had a delicious barbecue fish breakfast with His buddies? - BIBLE QUIZ

He was so hungry that he cursed a fruitless fig tree. Who was He? - BIBLE QUIZ

They had quails for dinner and it made the whole nation sick! Who were these people who are this bird meat? - BIBLE QUIZ

It was sea shore dinner for a party of 8. Where in the Bible do you find this? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who had these amazing food from heaven 🌨️and didn’t like it? - BIBLE QUIZ

In what two places are cucumbers πŸ₯’ mentioned in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

Which dad and son disagreed about the value of fasting? - BIBLE QUIZ

The serpent🐍 tempted the womenπŸ‘© with what kind of food? - BIBLE QUIZ

This prophet was fed by birds🐦. Who was he? - BIBLE QUIZ

When was “Doves”πŸ•Š dung/poop sold for food? - BIBLE QUIZ

What widow ate dried corn🌽? - BIBLE QUIZ

This person ate a little book and got an upset tummy? Who was this person? - BIBLE QUIZ

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