
Daily Verse Calendar - APRIL 2021 - Printable Version

Complete the Verse: The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer... Psalm 18:2 - BIBLE QUIZ

Something Funny: Where is the first baseball game in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

Something Funny: What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden? - BIBLE QUIZ

Something Funny😂: What kind of man was Boaz before he got married? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who are Shiphrah and Puah as mentioned in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

We are Blessed! Amen.

What king of Israel, tore off his clothes and lay naked on the ground all that day and all that night? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who held a feast with music and dancing when his son returned home? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who is the first prophet mentioned in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who pleased a King by dancing and ended up beheading a prophet? - BIBLE QUIZ

People were laughing at whom for saying that the dead girl was only asleep? - BIBLE QUIZ

What prophetess took a tambourine and led the women of Israel in a victory dance? - BIBLE QUIZ

What disciple of Jesus, when he saw Him jumped into the Sea, and headed to shore? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who embarrassed his wife by shamelessly uncovering himself while dancing for joy? - BIBLE QUIZ

I was a king of Salem and also a priest of the Most High God. Who Am I? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who built the first city in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

What Ruler/King had the first Birthday Party in the Old Testament? - BIBLE QUIZ

My Favorite Girl - Beautiful song about Proverbs 31 Woman

Every woman should watch this video :)

Who came out dancing after King David killed Goliath? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who laughed in the Bible when she heard she would bear a son in her old age? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who laughed, scorned, and despised at Nehemiah’s plans to rebuild Jerusalem? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who went Naked (without outer garments as if robbed) as a way of lamenting and wailing over the fate of Jerusalem? - BIBLE QUIZ

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