
Daily Verses Calendar - December 2019 - Printable Version

Dear God, Walk through My House! Amen.

GRATITUDE Unlocks The Fullness of Life


I Thank My Lord Everyday!

I Thank God Everyday!

I Thank my God Everytime I Remember You!

Trust God, and do the Next Thing!

Start Your Day with a Godly Attitude!

Be Thankful!

What are you Thankful for this Season?

May your day begin with a Smile on your Face!

Which of these was present in the Garden of Eden? - BIBLE QUIZ

Which psalm begins "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands"? - BIBLE QUIZ

Be the Person who breaks the cycle!

You don't have to be Perfect to Bless Someone!

My THANKSGIVING Week TO-DO List πŸ¦ƒπŸπŸ‘ͺπŸ₯§

God will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you!

Stay in PEACE πŸ•Š️πŸ•Š️πŸ•Š️

Dear God, Direct my steps today!

Lord, You are Always Faithful! Amen.

GOD is with Her, She will not fall! Amen.

What Does It Mean to be a Berean? - VIDEO

Give Thanks in all circumstances!

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