
Daily Verse Calendar - MAY 2021 - Printable Version

The Lord is my Shepherd

God will Sustain You ♥️

Bedtime Prayer Blessings

Eve is the first woman in the Bible. Who is the second woman? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who were the first twins in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who took the first census of the Hebrews? - BIBLE QUIZ

Nobody loves me like You love me, Jesus ♫

Who were the first foreign missionaries in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who constructed the first altar in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

5 Promises to uplift your Spirit

Be Still and Trust the Lord

The serpent in Garden of Eden was the first talking animal in the Bible. What was the second? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who was the first shepherd in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

The Lord is my Support

His plans towards You are always so Good

Who was the first farmer in the Bible? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who was the first polygamist? - BIBLE QUIZ

What is the first commandment with a promise? - BIBLE QUIZ

Who was the first child mentioned in the Scripture? - BIBLE QUIZ

Read your Good Night Prayers and Promise

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