Be Still and Trust the Lord


“The LORD himself will fight for you. Just be still.” - Exodus 14:14

You need to be still and stay calm for the Lord will fight for you. Turn your worries in prayers.  Quit hurting yourself. Quit hurting those around you. Trust God. He is right by you. He is paving a way. Yes, the might is long. Nobody said its going to be easy. Wait. Wait with good cheer. Keep praising Him in the hall way. Dance and worship the one who is worthy of it all. He is your refuge and fortress. He is your strong tower where you can run be in safety. He will guide you and protect you. Believe in Him. He loves you so much to forget about you. He knows the pain and the tears you shed. He knows the times you thought to end it all but He was right there not giving up on you, so don't you give up on yourself. Don't quit. This life is precious and its beautiful when you align with the word of God. With His help you can run over a troop. With His help you can stand in triumphant positions. He is the strong rock that you can rely on. He is good good Father. He loves you regardless of what you did. He gave you so many chances, He is fighting this battle for you. You only need to be still and faithful to the Lord. He will carry you through. His peace He will pour. Fix your eyes on Jesus and keep the Faith in Him alone. He is your mighty warrior who will save you from all troubles. He gives a peace and comfort that you cannot fathom so keep trusting the Lord. 


Dear Lord, 

Thank you for not giving up on me. I didn't have it in me anymore. Help me to keep reaching out to you at all times. I pray for your strength and courage. Thank you so much for fighting all my battles. I am so glad that you are by my side. I love you Lord. I trust you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. 

Daily Devotionals by Team: I Love Psalms 


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