The Lord is my Support


"They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support." - Psalm 18:18 

What a relief to know when the Lord is your support. He is for you. He rescued you because He delighted in you. His compassion for you is everlasting. He delivers you from all kinds of calamities. He will save you from your dark situations and enlarge your territories. Keep delighting in Him. He is with you.  He is merciful and full of kindness. He lavishes His love for you unconditionally everyday. His goodness never ceases. He establishes and enlarges the path you walk so you do not slip and stray away. Great protection and deliverance He gives to His children and their generations. Abide in Him continually. Seek, Ask and Knock at all times for His ears are open to you. Every prayer you whisper He hears. He is by you staying close to you with an angel armies. With the Lord on your side you can leap over a wall. Don't worry and fear over your circumstances He is with you. He will guide you all the way through and give you victory. 


Dear Lord, 

Thank you for being my support. Thank you for delighting in my existence and helping me out. I need you much. I am so glad you came to my rescue. Thank you for blessing me. "May the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14) I pray you cover me and protect me much. Thank you for hearing me out and coming to rescue me. I love you. I trust you. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Daily Devotionals by Team: I Love Psalms


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