
Enjoy a Blessed Month!

Hello March! Please be Awesome!

Hello March! Trust in the BLESSINGS of New Beginnings!

I am not afraid for with my God ALL things are Possible! AMEN!

The Exquisite plan of God for your Life!

The greater your storm - the brighter God will exalt you through it! Amen.

Give yourself time to Heal - God sees the trouble of the afflicted. Amen

My Strength comes from God alone! Amen.

Daily Verses Calendar - March 2019 - Printable Version

Under your mighty wings I rest my soul O Lord God! Amen.

Thank you for waking me up O Lord. Amen.

Pray about it my friend! God is listening.

I am blessed beyond measure! Amen.

Yes God will see you through! Praise God! Amen.

Thank You Lord for all the Lessons you had me go through! Amen

A grateful Heart is a magnet for miracles! If you agree, comment, AMEN!

Thank you Lord for installing your courage in me! Hallelujah! Amen.

Prayer Changes Things! Amen.

Rise above! Smile and Tell yourself today is my day!

I am lost without you O Lord!

Praying for Blessings for you my friend!

7 Simple Steps to Quiet your heart and Hear from the Lord God!

The Lord God is closer than a Friend

The Love of God never gives up nor fails! Trust HIM! Amen.

Honestly, I cannot do it without God! If you agree, comment, Amen!

Trust God, Rise up and Pray! Amen.

Saturate the word and Pray constantly! Amen.

10 Short ways to Pray when you can't pray!

The Lord fights for you All you need is to be Still. Amen.

When you are struggling - Count the ways you are blessed! Amen.

Speak wisely with Kindness and generosity! Words have the power to bring life or death! Amen.

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