Yes God will see you through! Praise God! Amen.

The things of this world can get to us and drain us in every way But the Lord wants us to stop thinking about how we are stuck in a situation forever. He wants us to stop being anxious and worrying about things we cannot control. Yes we may feel like our heart will never heal or we will never get out of the impossible struggle But God want to heal us and secure everything about us. Yield to Jesus, He is the way and the truth. Don't confuse a bad season for a lifetime. Seasons come and go, even your trials and tests have an expiration date. You will grow, life will change, things will work out. Give your control keys to God and He will make all this possible and He will handle everything in His time. Wait for His due season and God will get you through everything. Trust Him! Have Faith and wait patiently with expectation and joy! Amen! 


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