7 Simple Steps to Quiet your heart and Hear from the Lord God!

How many of us make time for God alone? We complain and whine how we have no time! The truth of the matter is God delights in us and seeking for our relationship with Him. He longs for fellowship -- so much so that He parted with His only Son to bring us into relationship with Him. Schedule time with the King. He's waiting.

7 simple steps to enjoy a quality Solitude moment with King of this universe: 

1. Plan: Pray beforehand, asking God to use that extended period to refine you. 

2. Pick a place: Determine a spot to meet with the Lord. This place can be anywhere from pack your needed belongings and go up a mountain and sit at the peak or Settle yourself behind the corner table at a coffee shop or a park or the library where ever you are comfortable to be so you can depart from your home and all the routine. Where ever that helps you to focus on the Lord and what He wants speak to you.  The truth is You can hear God better when you give Him quality time!

3. Go with a clear conscience: Ask God to reveal displeasing thoughts, words or actions. Then confess them, because sin hinders communication with God: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9)

4. Praise God: The Book of Psalms constantly invites us to lift our voice in praise to God. Don't be afraid to sing praises to God our King! 

5. Pray: In time alone with the Lord, you want to be God-focused, not self-focused. Ask God to revive you and His church.

6. Plunge into the Bible: Meditate on Scripture: "For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12).

The Bible is relevant to our lives today. Consider reading a book from the Bible, like one of the Gospels or Esther. Maybe zero in on one chapter or several specific verses.

7. Put it on paper. Record what God shows you. Jot down a Bible verses and write down your response to it. Then you can reflect later on lessons learned.

These are few ways to have quality time with God and He can speak to you when you find quality time to rest in Him and to hear what He wants to tell you. Be encouraged. Set your quality time now. Make that decision and don't wait for a second. May the Lord encourage and strengthen you take that quiet quality time in His presence. Amen. 


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