Enjoy a Blessed Month!

Don't let your emotions be your decision maker, stop and pray, let God lead you. He can change everything! All of your days have already been written in God's book. When you go through a disappointment, Don't stop on that page. Stay the course. Keep believing. You may be tired, discouraged and frustrated, but don't give up on your future. Our God is Faithful. The God you serve is a way-maker. He will make a way to get it done, fix it, shift it, turn it. Even when there doesn't seem to be a way. Get into agreement with God tonight that you are going to serve Him, maintain faith in Him and wait on HIm. Because His blessings are always worth wait and always right on time. God says, I have given you an incredible gift, and I need you to learn how to use it. Life or death, blessing or cursing, are in the power of your tongue. That means what you SPEAK, you will SEE, as things manifests in your life according to your LANGUAGE. Get used to decreeing your SUCCESS. Practice affirming your VICTORY. When you do that, you open the door for GOD to come in and bless you with solutions and opportunities you can't even imagine. Only Be still and know that HE is God! Stay Blessed knowing HE is God Almighty in your life. AMEN! 


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