The Lord God is closer than a Friend

In you O Lord I put my trust - Psalm 71:1

It would be awesome if Jesus could walk into your room and have an awesome conversation about life and tells you what you need to do; life would be smooth and cool! right? :) Well, Life teaches us that it always don't go as we have planned! But, whatever God has in store for us is always perfect, whether we understand it or not. Every detailed things that happens to us, whether it be good or not, in the end it can be used for the glory of God, that is the beauty when God plans things for us. Worry is a conversation that we have with ourselves about things that don't go the way we think! It is a waste of time. We cannot do anything about the things we plan and we cannot do anything about it. But, Prayer is a conversation you have with God about things HE can change and that change will be for our good, not to harm us but to give us hope and to bring joy. It is better to always put our trust in God than our plans. His plans for us way greater and powerful. So just trust Him and you will be safe in HIs arms. Yes allow God to come into the room of your heart and let Him speak the word of God through the Bible. May the word of God be a constant encouragement and blessing to each one of us. May it produce the fruit of the spirit in us as we continue to read His word, and be a doer of His word and also to Trust Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Amen. 


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