Pray about it my friend! God is listening.

PRAY! Then let it go! Don't try and manipulate or force the outcome. Just trust God to open the right doors at the right time. 

Don't just pray about what seems logical and possible! Pray hard about the 'Impossible!' God will show you that nothing, nothing, NOTHING is impossible with HIM! Ever. Period! End of story! 

Prayer changes things:
This year I pray that God would show more of who He is. I pray that we will long for Him deeply, and thirst for His words. This year I pray for a life to reflect HIS goodness and grace. 

Believe God Hears all your Prayers:
When you pray, God listens. 
When you listen, God talks. 
When you Believe, God works miracles! 

Remember to always Practice the Pause: 
When in doubt, pause. 
When angry, pause. 
When tired, pause. 
When stressed, pause. 
When you Pause, PRAY! 

Pray without ceasing:
God knows how long you waited. He sees your patients and He is watching your joy in the waiting. Every second will be worth it in the end. Keep the Faith. He will answer you in the due time. Amen. 

Truth is you will be shown the miracles in the most humbling ways. Be prepared for a beautiful outcome for your prayers because God has the BEST things in store for you. Maybe it may not have gone the way you planned it but God's plans are way higher than your plans. He will give it to you in the most perfect way. His ways and plans for you are always good. So don't give up hope. Keep the Faith. He does everything beautiful in His time. There lies our confidence when we trust Him with all the answered and unanswered prayers. 

So be patient my friend, God is in control of everything. He knows best. Every day God thinks of you. Every hour God looks after you. Every minute God cares for you. Because every second, He loves you. Trust Him. Don't stop praying and believing! 

God bless! :)


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