He is in the silence - Prayer

Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me, and I will listen to you and you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart - Jeremiah 29:12-13

Dear Lord, 
I am so glad your promises are always with us to stay. Thank you for being still with me even when I wake up. It is in you I find out who I am and what I am living for. It is in those quiet moments that you reveal yourself upon me. You know my weakness, you know my pain, you see my hurt, you heard my cry and you came to my rescue and I just want to be where you are. To hold me tight and to never let me go. Thank you for your whispers through the night, patiently waiting for me to acknowledge you. Thank you for your mighty hands holding me through. In the many silent nights when I put down my cares upon your hands thank you for whispering your peace and harmony over me. Thank you for whispering your love in abundance over me. Thank you for gently showering your joy over me. I can't have enough of you, i need you always. My heart is overjoyed with your presence in those silent moment. Thank you for those special moments in my life. Bless me to continue to make those silent moments with you my abode. Take me one stride at a time Lord and rescue my damaged self. My hope is in you alone my dear Lord, for you are ever so faithful in every details of my life. How can I not thank you? You have been so precious, so gentle and so kinds towards my wretched self. I am glad to be rescued by you in our silent moments. Thank you for your Grace. Your love it always protects, it always trusts and it always preserves. Your whispers of love never fails it flows in abundance and basks my soul. Thank you for the silent confidences that you put in my heart to achieve the best in my life. Let your peace rule ever before my heart and let my confidence in you grow more and more. Bless me to set my mind on things above and reach out for you everyday in those silent quiet moments. I am here listening and waiting for those sweet whispers of your love and faithfulness. Thank you for your blessings. I love you. Love and Kisses my Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 


  1. Love the Book of Psalms. Reassuring me that when i embrace his word & call on him he hears my prayers and answers. My trust is in the Lord who cares for me. He is a God of Righteousness. Amen.

  2. Thank you Jesus for being in our lives and
    Protecting with your loving arms around us all.In Jesus name Amen


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