Dear Lord, Let me reflect You! Amen.

Dear Lord God, 
I pray that you bless me to reflect you. I know there are times my behavior does not match the word of God and it lacks Christ character. I am sorry for the way I behave and I react towards my family. My anxiety was heightened and I snapped. I did not exercise self-control, yelling at the ones I love most. I am sad, hurt, embarrassed by my behavior and I am truly sorry. Please mature me Lord, I am truly sorry. I am need of more self-control. I realize I am responsible for my words and actions and how I say them. I pray that from here on out I would be more careful and restrain myself from snapping, yelling, or sinning in my anger, frustration, or anxiety. I desire to be like Christ, patient, humble, loving, and full of self-control. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen! 


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