Who laughed in the Bible when she heard she would bear a son in her old age? - BIBLE QUIZ


 Who laughed in the Bible when she heard she would  bear a son in her old age?

ANSWER: B) Sarah

Genesis 18:10-12 ESV
10 The Lord said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife shall have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent door behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years. The way of women had ceased to be with Sarah. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I am worn out, and my lord is old, shall I have pleasure?”
image attribution to Richard Gunther (www.richardgunther.org).
Hope of our Heritage

Today's Scripture

“God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” - (Psalm 73:26).

Thoughts for Today

Some parents who are knee-deep in diapers and family deadlines may wonder if there will ever be a time when they can just relax and enjoy their children. The truth is children can be a great comfort from the Lord. In them, we can learn to see life from a different perspective; one of wonder and freshness.

When we get older, our children will be the hope of our heritage. Abraham understood this principle. He longed for a son but remained childless. God had promised him that Sarah would have a son. As the years moved on, Abraham wondered if this promise would be fulfilled. Then when Sarah was past childbearing age, she gave birth to Isaac. Scripture says:

Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him (Genesis 21:1-2).

Isaac’s birth was a cause for celebration but not just because of his birth. We rejoice over the fact that God did exactly what He promised He would do.

Like Sarah, you may have waited for years to have a child. Or there may be another promise you have from the Lord that has up until this point gone unanswered. When you think all hope is gone, God will step into your situation with an answer to your deepest prayer. There is no higher calling than to be a person who helps to mold and shape the life of a child. And there is no greater experience than to trust in Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of my children. Teach me to love children as you do and to be a parent or role model whose life is guided by Your truth and wisdom. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen.".

Courtesy : Daily Dose Devotionals Team


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