A Grateful Heart - Short prayer

Dear Lord, 
Thank you for your Faithfulness, even when we are not Faithful. Thank You, for standing by me and my family and never leaving our side. Thank you that each new day is a chance to do better and be better. Thank you for the Hope that we have in you. Thank you for the quiet moments we can spend with You and may our Hearts burn with desire to know you better and love you more. We thank you in advance for the answers to our prayers and our needs. Thank you for your patience in our lives. Thank you for the care and comfort you provide us. Thank you for the friends and family that you have surrounded us with. Thank you for the love, joy and peace that you pour into our lives. Thank you for each breath we take. Thank you Lord for all the blessings you are showering us with. Thank you for the strength you give us each day and for all the people around me who make life more meaningful. Renew my heart with your strength and purpose. Forgive my errors of yesterday and guide me to walk closer to your ways today. Shine through me so that every person I meet may feel your presence in my soul. Take my hand dear Lord I cannot make it myself. I thank you for helping me out in all aspects of my life. I love you Lord, I pray all this in Jesus name, amen. 

Everything is a gift, and when you step back and truly consider it with any measure of honesty, it is all incredibly humbling.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.


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