God's Presence - Short Encouragement

Trembling in God’s Presence - by Susan Barnes

"My flesh trembles in fear of you; I stand in awe of your laws." Psalm 119:120

I'm always amazed people pay money to go on roller coasters! Why do they put themselves through such frightening experiences? Why go to scary movies or read horror stories? Why become involved in extreme sports?

Is it because there is something in human nature that seeks a thrill in flirting with danger, of feeling out of control, or being small in a big universe? Is it because our flesh is looking for an experience which will cause it to tremble? Perhaps it's a similar to why people built enormous cathedrals, knowing they would never see them finished in their lifetime. They wanted to capture the awesomeness of God and feel their own smallness. They wanted an encounter with God where they could feel lost in his presence. They wanted to tremble. We were made to tremble in reverent fear of God and when we don’t find it spiritually, we look for it physically.

Some time ago, Michael Frost wrote an article, "To Shudder Properly," encouraging his readers to regain their sense of the awesomeness of God. But how did we lose this awareness?

Perhaps we lost it when we began to think of God as our buddy and forgot the price of our freedom. Or perhaps we became distracted with programs and lost sight of God's holiness. Or perhaps we lost it when we became comfortable with ritual and tradition.

Pre-arranged, frightening experiences may be fun, but short-term excitement will never satisfy the deep need we have to tremble in the presence of a holy God.

Susan, an Australian pastor's wife, regularly writes devotional thoughts on Bible passages, book reviews and inspirational articles. Contact


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