The Best is yet to come! - 1 min Encouragement

Sometimes HOPE comes in just a moment. A look, a word or a gesture. A gift to make us look up and know that God is not only here, but reaching in to say, "I LOVE YOU!" 

Did you know that your wounds and scars is someone else's signs of Hope? Yes, Hope holds onto a breaking heart together. Usually, when you feel everything is falling apart they may be actually falling into place. Hope is the little tiny voice you hear whisper "maybe" when it seems the entire word is screaming "NO!" Being Hopeful is not pretending that the troubles, hurt and the scars don't exist. It is the Hope that they won't last forever. That hurts will be healed and difficulties overcome. That we will be led out of the darkness and into the light of Christ! 

And once the storms of life is over you won't remember how you made it through... you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what the storm is all about. At the end of the day, all you need is the hope and strength in God. Hope that it will get better and strength in God to hold on until it does! Once you choose to hold to Hope in God anything is Possible! Stay Patient in Christ and trust this journey that God has placed you in! Keep the Hope in God because that is the only thing stronger than fear! Trust and Hope in  God and put your Faith in Him alone! In Christ alone our Hope is found! Amen. God bless! 

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you HOPE and a Future! - Jeremiah 29:11

But as for me I will ALWAYS have HOPE! And will praise you yet more and more! - Psalm 71:14 

May the God of HOPE fill you will all Joy and Peace as you Trust in Him. so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:13 

His mercies never come to an end; they are NEW every morning! - Lamentation 3:22-23

H.O.P.E = Hold On, Pain Ends! :)


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