My Everlasting Portion!

Dear Father in Heaven, 
Thank you for being my everlasting portion. You have been my stronghold, my deliverer, and my refuge. You are my Mighty fortress in times of trouble. Thank you for being by my side in my difficult times. Thank you for scooping me and carrying me through. Thank you for putting a new song in my mouth. Thank you for blessing me to rejoice in you in-spite of all the troubled situations. Thank you Lord for being my strength. I will bless your name at all times. I worship you. You alone are Lord God in my life. When my flesh and my heart failed you came to my rescue. Thank you Lord. You are my love and King forever. My everlasting Portion. Keep me strong. Keep me kind. Let my heart not deceive me. Let me be focused in you alone. May your word be my command. Let the word of God instruct me all the days of my life. Thank you Lord. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.  


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