I believe that there are some victories that can only be won when we claim them by faith BEFORE they are realized. Nowadays, as soon as trouble hits, I begin declaring, "The blessings of God are chasing me down and overtaking me!" (Deuteronomy 28:2) As I say these words over and over, a fresh sense of hope begins to rise in my heart. I begin to see myself blessed instead of oppressed, victorious instead of a victim. And I believe that it makes all the difference in my outcome each and every time. If you are facing disheartening difficulties today, let me encourage you to begin declaring that you are abundantly blessed, right in the middle of your trials. Not only will supernatural peace and joy overtake you, but so will the victory that the Lord has in store for you!
Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father,
When adversity is staring me in the face, and I'm tempted to become doubtful and fearful, remind me to declare Your mighty promises of blessing and deliverance, right in the midst of my trouble. Teach me how to live by faith, not by feelings, and to speak words of life and blessing at all times. Thank You for equipping me for victory and success, as I put Your winning strategy to work in my daily life! Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen.
Gave faith in God.