"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him” - (Jeremiah 17:7).
We tend to learn more about ourselves in the difficult times than we do in other periods in our lives. When everything in life seems to glide along effortlessly, we feel like we have everything together, sufficient unto ourselves. Yet when life hurls an unexpected curve our way, our true colors are revealed.
In these times, God shapes and molds us. Just as a diamond undergoes intense heat and pressure before it emerges as a sparkling jewel, we must do the same.
Where do you turn when adversity comes and the walls of life begin to close in around you? To whom do you cry out—a loved one? Do you rely upon your own ingenuity? Or do you turn to the Lord—calling upon Him to rescue you in your time of need?
True champions always pray during the dark times. This is a real indicator of where their loyalty rests -- with God. Life can feel relentless at times, yet nothing is impossible for God. He can pluck us from the doldrums of circumstance, placing us on the mountaintop far from the troubles nipping at our feet.
As you turn to God in the midst of trying circumstances, remember He is faithful to hear your cries and will answer your prayers. Although He may not answer in the way you expect, He will always do what is best.
When we cry out to Him to save us, our hearts are revealed. He alone is our salvation. True champions turn to God in dark times, knowing that He is at work.
Prayer: Father,
Help me this week to clean the cobwebs out of the dusty corners of my heart. I sense that a New Thing is coming. Father, take all of me, until there is nothing left, but You. Give me the faith to trust You with each and every circumstance in my life. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen.
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