I am a God's Beloved and Blessed Child! Amen.

Even in His death, Jesus was thinking of you and me. He was preparing a way for us to know the Father and for us to receive His gift of salvation.

It was no mistake that Jesus was crucified between two thieves. One was repentant, and the other blasphemed the Lord.

One believed, and the other denied the Truth of God. One accepted God's wondrous gift of mercy and grace; the other turned his back on the offer and lost his soul.

There is no escaping the Truth. We can choose eternal life or settle for an endless death that is far worse than any torment we can imagine. The two men that hung dying beside the Savior could be any one of us.

Just like them, we must make a choice. God has chosen to save all men, but not everyone will come to Him. Those who do will immediately be saved and will spend eternity enjoying the love and intimate devotion of our Heavenly Father. Those who don't will spend an eternity separated from Him.

When you find yourself being drawn away by the world's passions and temptations, remember the cross, where Christ gave His life as atonement for your sin. There is no greater love than God's love for you. 

Our Loving Heavenly Father, 

It is hard to imagine the depth of Your love for me.  I want to serve You and You alone. Thank You for giving Your one and only Son. May I love others as you have loved me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer.Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, 


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