I DECLARE Healing in the NAME OF JESUS! Amen.

"He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed." - 1 Peter 2:24

Dear Lord God,
My Healer, my comforter, my caretaker. I worship and I adore you. I need a miracle. I want you to touch my heart and heal me from all ailments of sin. I need your compassion and I need your mercy. Fill me with your grace and favor. Please help me not to fail into depression, fear, doubt, hate, worry and anger. Guide me to be self-disciplined in the word of God. Immerse me with your promises. I come and ask for your divine healing in all the aspects of my life. So I can be an encouragement and a blessing to those in need. Please help me to overlook my hurtful past. Heal me from all the negatives that has happened in my life. Love me and touch me my Lord. I need a restoration. I need your guidance. Prosper me in front of all those who envy and hate. Don't let any harm befall me and my family. Do not allow the evil one lurk at our door steps. Send your angels concerning us and guard us from all unwanted things and protect us from all shadiness, sly evil ploy! I pray Lord, please heal me and my family. Deliver us. Keep us in right standing with you. Increase us and let us do your will. Speak forth your abundance grace, prosperity and blessing upon me and my family. Thank you Lord for your healing and comforting hand upon us. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.


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