Your MIRACLE is Coming! Amen.

Dear Lord God, 
I may be up against a giant today! But, I won't focus on how big my giant is; I am fixing my eyes on you Jesus! You are larger than life! You are my God! I won't be afraid! I won't be afraid! I won't give up! I will persevere! I will stand firm in Christ! I know you have a plan for my life! I pray for directions to follow it! I will wait patiently! Help me to have wisdom and a discerning spirit when things come my way! When everything seems like its tumbling down I know you are very much in that tumbling because you are putting all those blocks in my favor! Thank you Lord for your Love and Joy and help in my life! Thank you for your bright future for me! I love you Lord. I know my miracle is coming and I can wait Joyfully! GREATER IS THE ONE WHO IS LIVING IN ME THAN HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD! PRAISE GOD! This is my Hope and Faith! AMEN! 


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