Jesus has the power you need to Live in Victory! Amen.

If you visit Rome, you can see the dungeon that once housed the Apostle Paul. You can stand within the same four solid walls that once formed his cell. You can look up through the hole in the center of the ceiling from which he received food and water.

There are no windows, no doors, and no way of escape; and yet, for Paul, it was not a place of defeat or fear. It was a place of both victory and hope. Though Paul was confined physically, he was free spiritually.

We don't know how long Paul was in this environment. However, we do know that from here he was taken to a place of execution. Even in death, Paul did not face defeat. The moment after he drew his last earthly breath, he was embraced by the Lord.

There are times when we view our circumstances from the wrong perspective. We face difficulty and wonder how God can be glorified. We suffer through loss and heartache and can't imagine how He will turn our circumstances around.

When we set our focus on the problem instead of on Christ, we miss the infusion of God's power. Paul's spiritual gaze was set on an eternal goal, not his earthly problems.

In times of sorrow and hopelessness, there is a spiritual power available to each one of us through Jesus Christ. Therefore, there is never an occasion to give up. We have an eternal hope that will never abandon us.

What are you facing today that has the potential to cause you to quit, throw in the towel, and walk away? Remember, Jesus Christ is your strength. He has the power you need to live in victory. When you place your trust in Him, He lifts you up and gives you the strength you need to endure the trials of life.

Prayer: Father, Please forgive me for misplacing my focus. May my eyes be fixed on You, not people and things around me. I pray, by Your Spirit, I would have the vision and courage of Paul. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen.


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