Lord, Help me to Put You First always in everything I do! Amen.

It is easy to proclaim that we have placed the Lord first; however, the true test comes when life throws us an unexpected curve. This is when we discover if what we say with our mouths is really true in our hearts.

Authentic humility and love aspire to put God before everything else no matter what the price may be. It might cost us our dreams. It might cost us our jobs. It might cost us status in society. But, God will honor you decision and He will bless you abundantly like how He blessed Queen Esther.

If your prayer life has been lacking, confess to God today how you have neglected this important aspect of your relationship with Him. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s help to guide you in your prayers, to motivate you to spend time with Him, to give you the self-discipline to stay focused in prayer, and to prepare your heart for the presence of God.

Prayer: Father, 
Help me to put You first always in everything I do. Forgive me for neglecting my prayer life. I pray that You would guide me as I pray and help me to be committed to making prayer a priority in my life. Thank You for the privilege of prayer. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen.


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