Keep your Peace and Walk away trusting God to Handle it! AMEN!

If someone threatens your peace of mind, kills your joy, self-respect, or self-worth....seriously, walk away! Let God handle them! Don't allow anyone to steal your peace. Trust God to take care of the situation and keep you calm. Only God can give that kind of Peace and Joy. Do not allow the past to ruin your future. Do not accuse yourself of what someone said or did, that is their problem, not yours. Do not be afraid, Keep focusing on Christ. He has the answers to all your frustrations. Stop overthinking and assuming about anyone and anything. Start doing good, make peace, rest your problems to God and He will take care of the rest. Jesus will never abandon you. He will come to you and rescue you. He will fill you with His goodness, peace, love and joy. He will bless you. He will take care of everything the enemy has stolen. He is in the business of restoring and blessing. Stay blessed and focus on doing good, reading the word of God, praying for all situations and your enemies. Love God and Love one another. Wait patiently with a Joyful spirit and Watch God do His amazing work through you! His promises and plans for you are always good and true. Believe Him and Have Faith! AMEN! 


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