Lord please let your voice be my guide. Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, 
Thank you for the gift of life. Each season is special and beautiful in your timing. Bless me to embrace each and every moment of it. In the midst of all this busy season I desperately need wisdom that can come from you. i need you to calm my anxious heart. The hustle and bustle can cause my spirit to sink down... in those times help me to know that your plans for me are greater and perfect and I can rest in your will. Please let your peace settle in me. May you joy fill me. May I hear your voice. Please lead me with your love and light. Let me settle in your guidance. Not my will O Lord but yours. Thank you for that assurance. I love you. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen. 

Return to your rest my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. - Psalm 116:7


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