But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. - Matthew 19:26 .
Do you have a problem you want to get rid of? Is it affecting your ever day life? There's a God who has power over all the problems in our lives. He's the God of enough; He fed a multitude of people with only five loaves and two fishes! [Matthew 14:17-21 He is the 'bread of life'. [John 6:35] He is the 'light of the world'. [John 8:12] He will fill you with all truth, if that's what you want. If you want to get power over all those problems in your life, let Jesus help. He is the only one that can bring deliverance and peace. When you come to Him, and place your trust in Him, then those surmounting problems will become as a little mountain. And the Word says, 'if you have faith as the grain of a mustard seed', [Matthew 17:20] you can remove this mountain! Place your faith in Him today, and let Him give you power over those problems!!
Prayer : Our Loving Heavenly Father,
We live in a world that brings us what seems to be insurmountable problems. But, you can bring us through all those problems with your Power. Help us to trust in you completely. I'll praise You in this storm and You will calms all my storms and by Your commands they begin to obey. You will bring peace to my situation. Help my Faith to grow in you stronger! Bless me to dwell on the power of you O Lord and not in the size of the giant I am facing! Thank You Lord. I know you have great plans for my life. Everything that happened in my life is only for the Good! I know you have sheltered me and carried me from all evil. You have made my path straight! Thank you for bringing me out as innocent as the daylight! Thank you for covering me and redeeming me through all the rough things I went through! I love you Lord you have been good in my life! Every detail you took care of. Thank you for your care. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.
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