God is Sovereign but NOT in control?

Do we mean that God controls every decision, every event; every single thing that happens? The color of my sweater? The actions of my boss or so if I chose to use drug and smoke during pregnancy and my baby is born with an disability as a result, was God in control of that? And what If I don’t pay my bills on time, whittle away my budget on luxuries and land myself into crippling debt, was God in control of that? If I don’t resolve the failings of my personal behaviors, learn to manage my anger and my marriage falls apart as a consequence, was God in control of that? 

Christians don’t believe this. We hold closely to the concept of free-will. God’s love means that we have choices. We are free to decide how we spend our money, how we drive our cars; who we marry and what career path we follow.

God does not control us. He does not give us free will then take it away. He offers us blessing and cursing, right and wrong, life and death. He gives us options. He says; ‘Stay faithful to the covenant life’, but doesn’t hit us over the head when we don’t.

Much of what we see here on earth is not God’s will. The Scriptures tell us clearly that there is a ruler of the kingdom of the air - "in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient." - (Ephesians 2:2)

An evil foe that is intent on thwarting God’s will and who is powerful enough to impact our lives. If everything that ever happened on earth was God’s will, there would be no reason to pray; Your will be done on earth as it heaven - "your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10).

It may be worth re-working that statement a little. Perhaps we should consider replacing “God is in control” to “God is sovereign.” 

His awe-inspiring, miraculous and mysterious, all-knowing sovereignty means while I make my choices and they have consequences, a life consecrated to God means that he can take my fumbling weaknesses and use them for his glory. 

It means that when people wrong me and the consequences of their decisions fall upon me, I don’t miss out on HIS favor. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28

That no matter what happens to me that is outside God’s perfect will, he is able make all things work together for those who love him. Keep Trusting God at all times. Seek His kingdom and His righteousness at all cost. Amen 


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