Inspiring Quotes #06

Seriously, being a kind and a good person does not mean you have to put with those people who intentionally have wrong motives to bother and hurt you. Run to God with those problems and people and let God avenge for it. May He vindicate you in due time and season. Just pray and wait with good cheer about those situations and watch your deliverance in the coming days. Do not Fret about those people who have immature and poor motives. God tells us to never take revenge and to leave it to the Lord. God is the ultimate judge and when we seek revenge, we are taking His place. When we become overwhelmed with what others have done wrong, we become filled with anger and find ourselves focused on hate. God's love and forgiveness is seen in our ability to love and forgive. We just Stay sincere and true to the Lord and He will make a way for you. His plans for you are great and beautiful. Stay beautiful, kind, honest, sincere and true to Christ our Lord. May He see your pure motives and save you from blood thirsty people. May your heart be tender and praising towards the Lord God your Savior. Stay blessed my friend. 

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. - Romans 12:19  



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