Inspiring Quotes #16

We are the church and our purpose is to love and care for those who are hurting and broken. Its a place to have fellowship with each other and to bear one another's weakness. Its a place of healing. Its a place to pour out and to love. Its a place to show the love of Christ. It's a place to serve. O Church Arise and put your armor of God for the call of the Lord is on each one of us to support, love and to care with a tender heart and with gentleness. For many of us church is a hurt place. We are offended too easily BUT the Lord wants us to bear with each other, with the ones who give us a hard time, with the difficult personality type people, with those bothering us, with those who falsely judge and accuse us -- Yes the Lord wants us to bear with them and to forgive them. In due season the Lord will lift you up in midst of all that. It can seem hopeless but don't give up because you are here to do it all for the Lord --- for the audience of one. Serve as if serving for the Lord. Love as if loving the Lord. Do all things as if doing for the Lord and not for man. So my friend, Church is not a place where perfect people are filled - it is a place to show grace, mercy, favor and the love of Christ and to build them up in the Lord. It is a place to Disciple them for Christ. There is no point quitting church and sitting home. There is no point running from church to church. Imperfect people exist everywhere so take a stand for Christ, stay firm and serve the Lord. You reach out to those hurting that is why you are called. Use the ministry that God called you to do. If it is just a little gift to smile DO IT! You are called to be the church so bear with one another and be an encouragement to others. AMEN. 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. - Colossians 3:23-24

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. - Ephesians 4:2



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