At which well did Jesus talk with the woman? - BIBLE QUIZ

ANSWER: Jacob's Well
John 4:5-6 - "So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob's well was there; so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. It was about the sixth hour."


“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” - (John 3:17).

No sin is beyond God’s forgiveness. Sometimes we feel unworthy of God’s love and we hide from Him—believing our sin is more than He can forgive. We try harder to try to earn His favor, but soon our attempts at perfection fall short and, like Adam and Eve, we hide from Him in shame. Thankfully, God’s love is greater than our sin. His love for us is so great, in fact, that He prepared the way to set us free from our sin.

In Jesus’ day, Jews traveling between Judea and Galilee chose the five-day journey around Samaria rather than the two-and-a-half day journey through Samaria because they considered Samaritans unclean pagan idolaters. Jesus, the Savior sent for all people, did not have this prejudice. Instead of avoiding the unclean, he planned His path through the center of Samaria, where He had an encounter with a woman that transformed not only her, but the entire city.

When Jesus arrived in Samaria, He decided to stop for a drink of water. At the well, He met a Samaritan woman with a history of adultery and failed marriages. She did not realize that her problem was not men, marriage, or even adultery, but a desperate, unsatisfied thirst that could only be quenched by Christ Jesus.

Although our struggles are different, each of us can identify with the Samaritan woman. Without Jesus, we are tied up in a hopeless battle against our sin, and the harder we try to get out, the more bound up we become. But Jesus comes straight to the point of our need and says, “Only I can bring you life.” He uncovers the hidden things in our hearts and frees us from their grip.

Jesus came to a degraded, disillusioned woman and showed her that He not only knew her, but could offer everything she had ever longed for. The Samaritan woman’s most desperate need was for God’s love and cleansing, and the same is true for us. The same God who came in the flesh to free the woman at the well is sitting at the well of your life, ready to fill you with Living Water. Do you need forgiveness, healing, or restoration? Come to Christ. You can trust Him to save you, heal you, and renew you.

Thank You for Your salvation, healing, and renewal. Please forgive me for the ways I have tried to satisfy my longing for You apart from You. May I be filled with Your Living Water today. Thank You, Lord. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen.

Courtesy : Daily Dose Devotionals Team


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