Let every heart prepare HIM room. AMEN.

“While she was there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in clothes and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:6-7

WOW! NO ROOM FOR THEM IN THE INN! Our Lord is about enter this world and there was no spot for Him to be born...all the rooms were occupied. 

Aren't we all like this? Our heart is occupied with mundane things. It's crowded with unnecessary things of this world. We are loaded with much heartache and trials. As time goes we lack the peace, joy and love which the Lord offers us. Our spirit loses the sparkle to enjoy the time spend with family, or to sing, or to give or anything wonderful. Our heart's light fade off and wonder how we came to this place of stress, worry and ungratefulness. Our lives are filled with busyness, bitterness, anger, disbelief, doubt, disappointment, broken relationships, pain and sorrow you name it. 

At some point, faith and hope packed up and left, leaving behind two unwelcome twins, doubt and unbelief. They are unpleasant guests as they constantly scream, “Will things ever get better?”

Yes, it is sometimes hard and not fair but let's wake up and shrug of those baggages this Christmas we need to serve some eviction notices to those things in our heart that keep us from God. When you ask the Lord to fill your room don't just invite for a short time but allow HIM to fill not only a room of your heart, but the whole thing, every nook, cranny, and crevice. Allow the Lord to be the king and ruler of your Heart.  


Dear Lord, 
Please forgive me for becoming so entangled with the world that I miss out on You. Help me, Lord, to squarely face and submit to You the problems that keep me from enjoying Your wonderful presence. Fill my heart with Your life giving spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

How about you? Is there room in your inn for Jesus? He doesn’t require fancy accommodations. He’s just looking for the welcome mat. Let every heart prepare Him room! Be ready and prepared for our Lord Jesus is coming soon

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. - Revelation 3:20

God bless. 


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