May God be with you through NEW YEAR!

Dear Lord God, 
Thank you for being love itself, as revealed in your sending Jesus into the world to be my Savior to save me. Thank you Lord for giving us the capacity to love and for teaching us to love others this past year. Yes, it has been hard but thank you for your comfort, love and cheer in my life. Bless me today and always to show and reflect the love of Jesus to everyone I meet in the coming year. Save and set me free! Bless me with a double portion of your spirit as we take back everything what the enemy has stolen! I need you Lord and I humbly call out to you. I am tired of doing things my way and I need a fresh start this coming year. Fill  the emptiness in me with your Holy Spirit and make me whole. Lord help me to trust you and help me to love you and to live for you. Let me understand your grace, mercy and peace. Thank you Lord for your blessings and plans in my life for this coming year. I love you. I trust you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 


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