Forgive the worst in others because God has forgiven the worst in you! Amen.

Dear Lord, 
I pray you help me in areas where relationships are hard. I pray you help me to be like you to love others the way you do. I pray to stop worrying but  to trust in you. Help me to have faith to remember that you deal with all the things that I cannot. I pray everything’s  settled and to encourage others. Help me to do the good fruit by my character, lifestyle, teaching, actions, impact and relationships. Lord, as I face the challenge of living the Jesus lifestyle this year, thank you that nothing is impossible with you. Fill me today with your Holy Spirit and help me to live the kind of life that deep down I long to live. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen. 

"Do to others what you would have them do to you"(Matthew 7:12).


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