Pray without ceasing! Amen

In Scripture, prayer is our response to God’s revelation, the human answer to divine speech. We can address God only because God has first addressed us — in creation, certainly, but especially in his word.

Just as children learn to speak by hearing their parents’ voices, so we learn to pray by listening to our Father. The more his words rest in our hearts, the more readily we will speak them back to him.

Unceasing prayer is our birthright and privilege as children of God; we are not ourselves without it.

One day soon, you will not struggle to pray. Prayer will feel as natural as breathing, as pleasurable as tasting fruit from the trees of the New Jerusalem. Until then, persevere to become the person God is remaking you to be. Ask, praise, thank, and confess to your Father — and find that he hears and helps without ceasing.

Prayer is more than a slot in our schedule; it is the reflex of our hearts, the aroma of our waking hours.

The Lord made us to pray therefore pray without ceasing. God bless. 

Pray without ceasing - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 ⭐


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