No Storm Can Shake My Faith!

Dear Lord,
Please help me grow in my faith. Help me to lean on You in good times and bad. Help me not to be quick to anger and instead, have a godly mindset. Speak to my heart as I read Your Word and highlight verses of encouragement. Help me to trust You in every situation and in every circumstance. In Your name Jesus, I pray. Amen. ❤️

What is faith ?
According to Oxford dictionary, “Faith is a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. A strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.”

Faith has several different definitions.

What Does the Bible Say about Faith? 

The Bible says that faith is confidence in what we hope for and the assurance that the Lord is working, even though we cannot see it. Faith knows that no matter what the situation, in our lives or someone else’s, that the Lord is working in it.

Few Bible Verses on Faith: 

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. By faith, we understand that the whole universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.” -Hebrews 11:1-3 ⭐️

“Be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you.” -1 Samuel 12:24 ⭐️

“And Abraham believed in the Lord, and the Lord counted him righteous because of his faith.”  -Genesis 15:6 ⭐️

“He will protect his faithful ones, but the wicked will disappear into darkness. No one will succeed by faith alone.” -1 Samuel 2:9 ⭐️

“When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the Lord and his servant Moses.”-Exodus 14:31 ⭐️

Few Examples of Faith:

Moses - He had faith when God asked him to lead the Israelite’s out of Egypt and across the red sea, away from everything they knew. (Exodus 14) 💜

Esther - She had faith in going to the king unannounced and exposing Haman’s plan to kill the Jews. (Esther 4) 💜

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - They had faith when they were thrown into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. They had no doubts that God would save them. (Daniel 3) 💜

Mary - She was faithful to God when she was chosen to be the mother of his son. Mary trusted her God and the role He had chosen for her. (Luke 1) 💜

Abraham - He had faith in God when he was called to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering. He set out the next morning after God told him where to go, he had faith that God would provide. 💜

Where Does Faith Come From?

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9 ⭐️

Having faith in the Bible means trusting that God’s Word is the truth. The faith that God began in us will grow when exposed to God's Word. It’s knowing that every time you read the Bible, the word of God is being imparted in you.The Bible says that faith is not silly or irrational. It is not a feeling of closeness to God either. Instead, faith is being able to trust God for what He has promised in His Word. 

*What does to live by Faith means? *

Living in faith and not by sight means that you are willing to go into the unknown. It’s trusting God even though you don’t know where He’s leading you or what the outcome will be. I have been living in faith over a specific situation for almost three years. I have been praying over this situation fervently. I don’t know how it’s going to turn out or where it’s going to lead. All I do know is that God is working, and I’m waiting patiently to see the outcome. It’s not easy and it’s not fun, but I know that He’s in control and that is where I find my peace. ❤️

* How to Keep the Faith in Times of Struggle? *

🙏 keep Jesus as your priority. Give thanks in all circumstances. 

🙏 Even in dire circumstances be generous. It might be hard and difficult to help others. However, in giving and blessing someone else, you are blessing yourself too. God loves a cheerful giver. 

🙏 Connect with Families, church Families and Friends. Being connected to others is essential. Having faith means we are part of a covenant body of believers, a family of brothers and sisters united in Jesus Christ. 

🙏 Surrender your circumstances to the Lord and Spend more time in the Word of God. This will help keep you grounded and not going in another direction due to confusion or desperation.

🙏 Focus on obeying God. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but if you focus on following God’s word and commands, your faith will grow naturally.

🙏 Ask God to increase your faith. If you are struggling in your faith, ask Him for more of it. He will be glad to bestow it through the Holy Spirit.

In order to conclude about Faith it can only come from a new heart, regenerated by God; therefore, faith is a gift from God. It is the unique way that God uses to bring salvation to his people. We strengthen our faith by reading the Bible and hearing the gospel. The more we immerse ourselves in truth, the more our confidence grows. Everyone who is saved has been gifted faith. It is the ability to believe God is who He says He is, trusting Him in all things for all things. Faith also helps to combat unbelief and motivates us to do what God desires us to do. Not only do we grow our faith by reading Scripture and praying in our own time, but also by hearing the message in church with other believers.

Justification by faith means that:

“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.” Romans 5:1 ⭐️

God bless. ❤️


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