Lord I pray your care and favor over me. I totally need it. You gotta provide and take some measures to help me out. I am desperate and I am needy. I am thankful for all the amazing blessings and protection you shower over me. Keep me Lord in your care. I surrender my all to you. You do the way you please. I pray you keep me calm and focused on you alone. Lord you take the wheel of my life. In Jesus name. Amen.FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU; BE NOT DISMAYED, FOR I AM YOUR GOD; I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU, I WILL HELP YOU, I WILL UPHOLD YOU WITH MY RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND. ISAIAH 41:10 ❤️
This is the day that the Lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in Him , so every day in our lives is precious, we do not know when God is going to bless us ,May God bless you abundantly and give you strength and courage to handle things correctly with patience, God will give peace in mind and cheer in your life, May God our healer touch you with His loving hands and heal you Be strong and bold may God's favour be upon you always,May the Holyspirit guide you through out the night and day, be blessed