Hope does not put us to shame because of God's love

Today I am going to take you for a short trip through the book of Romans - Here is a short summary of it:

Apostle Paul wrote a letter with love and affection to the young church in Romans to those who are loved by God and called His own. He was eager to tell the good news of the Messiah. In this letter He would reveal about Christ, about the life, death and destructions. Sin broke everything including friendship with God. Peace and happiness were replaced with sin and curse. 

He brought to remembrance about the Fall of Adam and Eve. Sin entered into the perfect world. The special relationship God had with His people broke. He wrote, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. He also wrote, "For the wages of sin is death" 

But, God had a plan from the beginning even before the world was created, to win the lost back, because death was the only payment for sin, God send His son, Jesus Christ, to take the place of the lost that is each one of us who are sick with sin. 

Jesus showed the most amazing act of love and friendship by being born on this earth and dying on the cross for the very ones who has disobeyed Him. Paul wrote that most people won't die for an unrighteous person, but God demonstrated His love for us while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. 

God came to save us just as He had promised us. Jesus death made a way for people to be forgiven and for every sin to be carried far away and forgotten forever. There is no other power on heaven and or earth that can save people from sin and death but only by the name of Jesus all people can be saved. 

God will rescue anyone who cries out to Him. Everyone who call on the name of the Lord and believes in the name of Jesus will be saved. 

When people believe that God raised Jesus from the death it changes everything. By Faith they will confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior and ask Him to lead their lives. This is a big decision and one that can be difficult. Following Jesus means turning away from sin and selfishness. And instead trusting God for every part of your life. 

Paul wrote, if you confess your sins and believe in Jesus and then you will be saved. God sees believers those who are saved as his children. We are His adopted children who is gifted with the gift of righteousness and salvation. The sins wages have been paid because Jesus died for us and So we have access to grace and also we can cry out to Him as Abba Father. 

How cool is that? 

God loves you. No matter what, He loves you. 

Once you believe in God and His son, You have been given access to grace through Jesus Christ. 

There is peace through Him. 

God has justified all your past sins through Faith.  

Jesus gives us the access to God's glory and the Holy Spirit pours out His love for us. 

Hope is renewed and restored in our hearts. 

He is sovereign over all things. 

Questions to Ponder: 

Have you received this Jesus as your personal Savior? 

Have you thought about where you will be spending eternity? 

Will you receive Christ Jesus now and live a life for Him? If, YES, comment below in the comment box. We are praying for your salvation. 

Let's Pray, shall we? 

Dear God, 

Thank you for your grace and love. I am so glad you send Jesus Christ to pave a way for salvation for me and for this entire world. I don't know what I would have done without you. I am so happy you came seeking for me. I am so glad you love me and poured your peace and grace over me. Help me to be tuned with the holy spirit daily. I pray for your coming. I am waiting Lord. I also pray for those who haven't believed in you yet. Help them to understand your love for them. Thank you Lord for all your goodness in my life. I love you. I am glad you have it all in control. I rest assured in your plans. I dearly long for your coming dear Jesus. I love you just so much I cannot wait to be with you. Please Help my friends and families who have a hard time to make the decision to accept you. Give them grace, mercy and favor. Open their hearts to your love. Help them to go to the word of God and read them and listen to your word. Bless them to seek you sincerely. Give them understanding and speak to their heart through the word of God. Thank you for helping and blessing them to receive you. I pray there will be no hinderance. Thank you Lord for your abundance in all aspects of our lives. Thank you fo hearing me out.  In Jesus name, Amen. 

Bible Verse of the day:

"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." - Romans 5:1-5

I Pray this message encourages you to deepen your Faith in Christ Jesus. I also pray that if you haven't accepted Christ as your Savior, now is a good time to accept Him. Confess and Proclaim your love and acceptation of Jesus Christ to someone else who is a believer in Him. Follow Jesus boldly and Share about His love with confidence. Stay Blessed. 

Devotional by: Team I Love Psalms


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