What God has in store is bigger than you can imagine, more rewarding, more fulfilling. Instead of going around frustrated because of what’s not happening, turn it around, “Father, thank You for the blessings You’ve already set up. Thank You for the favor, the promotion, the healing, good breaks that You’ve already ordained to come across my path.” When you live in faith, expecting God’s goodness, there are moments of favor that you’ll come into suddenly. You didn’t see it coming. There wasn’t any sign of it. But suddenly a good break, suddenly you meet the right person, suddenly the paperwork goes through. It’s one of those blessings that God has already set up.
You don’t have to live worried, wondering how you’re going to accomplish your dreams, how you’re going to get the breaks you need, how you’re going to get out of that problem. God has it all figured out. He’s already ordained the right people to come across your path, He’s going to put you at the right place, cause good breaks to find you, blessings to track you down.
By this time next year, you’re going to see things that didn’t seem possible. By this time next year, you’re going to be free from that addiction. By this time next year, you’re going to be at a new level in your health, your finances, your career. God is up to something. He’s about to show out in your life. You might think this —> this message might just getting people’s hopes up. “I don’t think this will happen for me.” You’re right; it won’t happen. This is for people who believe. You have to let the seed take root. Don’t talk yourself out of it; talk yourself into it.
This year is going to be a great year filled with God’s plans and blessings upon you. The Lord wants you to change by obeying the word of God by doing what it says. So prepare your heart for the word to take root so that He can establish every good and perfect plans bestowed upon you. He is going to do marvelous things this year for you. Trust, obey, repent, pray, read the Bible, obey what it says, be kind, patient, joyful, make peace, praise and worship the Lord, give thanks, love the Lord and love one another. Now wait and watch the Lord produce HIS perfect and wonderful blessings upon your life. Hallelujah! ⭐
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