Unexpected Doors are getting ready to Open Up for You in 2021!

Even when the storms of life cause us to lose sight of hope, Jesus never loses sight of us.

In the midst of whatever hurts and heartbreaks are disrupting our peace, I pray we will sense His presence. We don’t have to cry out in fear; we can call out in faith. Calm and trusting. Anxious for nothing. Because we know. We know He sees us. We know He's for us. We know He's in control.

Yes. The Lord is near. And we are safe. 
I believe the unexpected doors are being opened up for me in the coming year. Yes lord I claim it and I receive it. I believe in your word. I trust you. In Jesus name I pray,  amen.

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous,but the LORD delivers him out of them all. - Psalm 34:18-19 ⭐


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