A mother told her young son to go to bed and be sure to say his prayers and ask God to make him a good boy. The boy's father, passing by the bedroom, overheard his son praying: " And make me a good boy if You can; and if You can't, don't worry about it, 'cause I'm having fun the way I am."
Does this sound familiar? How many times do we think this? I do not think that anyone would admit it, but we all know that sin is fun. Why is it fun? It should not be, but it is, because it is easy and it gives instant gratification. That is not what God calls us to do though. It has been said that the things that mean the most, that are most important and meaningful, are the things that we have to work for.
That is the way the Christian life is. First of all we have to work to be obedient. It is a constant battle to do what is right, but the end result is much better than the instant gratification that we get the other way. I heard a sermon one time about choices. We all have choices, but what we have to live with is the consequences. What I do today will never change, but the consequence of that choice is something that I will have to live with. My challenge to you is to think about what you do and make sure that it is God's will that you do it. Does this situation look like it will be in God's plan? Will it glorify him? That is a question that we should always be asking.
John 8:34,36 - Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Prayer: Lord, deliver us from the blindness that deceives itself into thinking that sin is more fun. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.
The words of an engraving from the cathedral of Lubeck, Germany, beautifully reflect our Lord's teaching here:
"Thus speaketh Christ our Lord to us, You call Me master and obey Me not, you call Me light and see Me not, you call Me the way and walk Me not, you call Me life and live Me not, you call Me wise and follow Me not, you call Me fair and love Me not, you call Me rich and ask Me not, you call Me eternal and seek Me not, if I condemn thee, blame Me not."
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