Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord🙏

Do yourself a favor and stop seeking revenge on those who wronged you. Seriously! This won’t get you anywhere in life it only fires back! It will only make you bitter, spiteful and hateful.

In the end only 3 things matter:

1) How much you love God and love others.

2) How gently you lived

3) And, how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.

God is not in a hurry or spacing out to do things. You are. It is why you are anxious, worried, stressed, brokenhearted and having broken relationships! The Lord wants you to Trust what was meant to be yours, will be yours only in His time and in His will and plans. Trust the Lord. He’s got your back and He will fight all your battles.

By asking ourselves some questions, we can gain insight into our hearts. Do my actions reflect revenge? Are my thoughts covetous and ambitious? Am I impatient of God's timing?

When I love others, these attitudes begin to disappear. We begin to show mercy and love instead of seeking revenge. Apostle James reminds us: "Mercy triumphs over judgment!" (James 2:13).


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