When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. - Psalm 94:18-19
We are all prone to stumble and slip. There is not one of who hasn't. As much as we all try to keep it together..it's bound to happen. We all wrestle in the dark. When we are roaming in our spiritual depravity...we are bound to fall. It’s all too common for us to get hung up on how we think others perceive us to be performing in our everyday efforts to please the Lord. The pattern seems to go on..
When you feel you are off balance and drifting away....Pause and give yourself a break. Call unto the Lord. Rest in His support. Only His divine presence can bring us joy and peace. We are held up by His love. He will scope us and put us on a higher rock - Jesus Christ.
Dwelling in the word of God and Inhabiting in His promises will hold us together. Even if we stumble.. His hands are never short to rescue. Call unto Him today. He is by your side bringing healing, compassion, kindness and restoration. Believe. Stay rooted in Him alone. Let Christ abide in you today and forever. God's unfailing love is catching you today! God Bless.
Dear God, I am so grateful that you support me with your mercy, grace and loving kindness. Your promises brings me joy. I am glad you hear me. Help me to dwell in your word today and please abide and shelter me in your care. In Jesus name, Amen.
Daily Devotion by: Team I Love Psalm
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